Des nouvelles du Corpus Vasorum Arretinorum (OCK)
I am delighted to announce that, through the interest of the Romano-Germanic Commission (RGK) of the German Archaeological Institute and the dedicated efforts of Katja Rösler, Frederic
Auth and their team, the second edition of the Corpus Vasorum Arretinorum (OCK), published in part on CD in 2000, has now been replicated and made accessible on-line to all. The URL is
See also the RGK blog report of the launch event. The starting-point has been the character of the presentation provided in 2000, but now with full integration of the drawings into the database, creating an entirely digital resource. There have been modifications necessitated by the adaptation to a web interface, but in many respects the user experience has been enhanced by linkages to a wider world of on-line geographical and bibliographic data.
You are now invited to make use of this free resource. The website is still under development, but feedback is invited (to and your comments will influence further
enhancements. You will need to sign up, but there is no cost.
Philip Kenrick, MA, DPhil
Former Treasurer and President of the RCRF
Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute