A Memorial Conference for Dr Malcolm Lyne Saturday 16th November 2024

A Memorial Conference for Dr Malcolm Lyne
Saturday 16th November 2024

Kings Church Hall, Brooks Road, Lewes, BN7 2BY
A Joint Sussex School of Archaeology & History and
Council for British Archaeology South-East Event


9.15-10.00am REGISTRATION Tea or Coffee, bookstalls and stands
10.00-10.10am Dr David Rudling Chairman’s Welcome
10.10-10.40am Dr Steve Willis Malcolm’s Life and Contribution: a Vignette
10.40-11.10am Dr Anna Doherty Malcolm’s contribution to Roman ceramic

studies in Sussex

11.10-11.30am Chris Butler Malcolm and the Hassocks Roman & Saxon
cemetery and the Wickham Barn Roman
pottery kilns

11.30-11.50am COFFEE & BISCUITS Visit the bookstalls & stands
11.50-12.10pm Jerry Evans Roman pottery from Wingham villa and an
outsider’s view of Roman pottery in East Kent
12.10-12.30pm Lilian Ladle The South-East Dorset Black Burnished Ware

Industry – Malcolm's legacy

12.30-12.50pm Thomas Martin Roman [pottery] forms in Saxon fabrics
12.50-2.00pm LUNCH BREAK Visit the bookstalls and stands
2.00-2.20pm Dr Philip Smither “Rutupine Reviver”: Malcolm’s impact on the

Richborough Archive

2.20-2.40pm Professor Mike Fulford Malcolm’s Excavations at Pevensey Castle

1936 to 1964

2.40-3.00pm Dr Rebecca Welshman
and Simon Coleman

Was Pevensey Castle the site of the Norman
base in 1066? Revisiting the work of Malcolm
and Pam Combes on Hastings,
Haestingaceaster and Haestingaport

3.00-3.20pm Dr Sam Moorhead Finds of Carausian and Allectan coins from the

Saxon Shore

3.20-3.40pm Dr Anthony Durham Roman and early Saxon place names around

the Solent

3.40-4.00pm TEA AND BISCUITS Visit the bookstalls and stands
4.00-4.20pm Arthur Franklin Malcolm and Lewes Priory
4.20-4.50pm Kevin Trott Excavating Malcolm’s Archives
4.50pm Dr David Rudling Thanks & Disperse

Symposium fee for the day is £25 (£20 concessions); or £15 online
To book go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/931983336247

Des nouvelles du Corpus Vasorum Arretinorum (OCK)

I am delighted to announce that, through the interest of the Romano-Germanic Commission (RGK) of the German Archaeological Institute and the dedicated efforts of Katja Rösler, Frederic
Auth and their team, the second edition of the Corpus Vasorum Arretinorum (OCK), published in part on CD in 2000, has now been replicated and made accessible on-line to all. The URL is
See also the RGK blog report of the launch event. The starting-point has been the character of the presentation provided in 2000, but now with full integration of the drawings into the database, creating an entirely digital resource. There have been modifications necessitated by the adaptation to a web interface, but in many respects the user experience has been enhanced by linkages to a wider world of on-line geographical and bibliographic data.
You are now invited to make use of this free resource. The website is still under development, but feedback is invited (to ock@dainst.org) and your comments will influence further
enhancements. You will need to sign up, but there is no cost.

Philip Kenrick, MA, DPhil

Former Treasurer and President of the RCRF
Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute

33e congrès des RCRF Leiden (Pays-Bas), 15-22 september 2024

Dear Fautores,

With the start of 2024, we are delighted to invite you to the 33rd Fautores Congress which will take place in Leiden, the Netherlands, from 15 until 22 September 2024. The topic of the congress will be (Cultural) Contacts & Ceramic Contexts.

For more information we kindly refer you to the congress’ website which can be accessed via https://www.rcrfleiden2024.nl/. Attached to this message you can find the Call for Papers/First Circular and the Registration Form. You can register either via the website or by filling in and returning the WORD registration form to rcrfleiden2024@gmail.com. The registration deadline for speakers/presenters is 31 March 2024, and 30 June 2024 if you wish to participate without a poster or presentation.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with queries, etc.!
Wishing you all the best for the new year, with our warmest regards,
Philip Bes
Roderick Geerts
Organising Committee of the 33rd Fautores Congress

Analysing Roman pottery workshops in the Civitas Viromanduorum (France, Picardy)


Analysing Roman pottery workshops in the Civitas Viromanduorum (France, Picardy)

Julie Flahaut, Victor Viquesnel-Schlosser, Denis Maréchal, Barbara Borgers, Nicolas Warmé, Yves Gallet, Christophe Hosdez, Cyrille Chaidron, Stéphane Dubois, Sonja Willems


Le 9 décembre 2022 se tenait à la Sorbonne la journée d’étude transversale intitulée « Archéologie de la production céramique et des espaces artisanaux : regards croisés », co-organisé avec Sonja Willems (UMR 7041, Paris-Nanterre) et Claire Padovani (UMR 7041, Paris 1-la Sorbonne).

Une partie de ce travail paru dans le « special issue » numéro 52 du Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
L’article  y rassemble de manière inédite les données scientifiques concernant les ateliers de potiers du Vermandois (Hauts-de-France).

Il est le fruit de quelques années d’un travail collaboratif entre différentes institutions présentes dans l’article.

Voici le lien vers l’article accessible à tous et disponible gratuitement pendant un mois : https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1i5ko,rVDBflrC

N’hésitez pas à le faire partager.

Et le lien de l’article téléchargé (valable 7 jours) : article

Lien via les réseaux : LinkedIn


Je vous souhaite une bonne lecture et de bons partages.


Bien à vous.


Julie Flahaut, Victor Viquesnel-Schlosser, Denis Maréchal, Barbara Borgers, Nicolas Warmé, Yves Gallet, Christophe Hosdez, Cyrille Chaidron, Stéphane Dubois, Sonja Willems.

ArAr : Laboratoire de céramologie

Cette plateforme est l’héritière du laboratoire de céramologie créé par Maurice Picon dans les années 1970, dédié aux études et caractérisations des céramiques anciennes. Ces dernières (poteries, figurines en terre cuite, terres cuites architecturales, carreaux…) sont en effet des marqueurs privilégiés des échanges dans les sociétés anciennes, mais aussi des faciès culturels et de l’organisation des structures artisanales. La provenance des matières premières, les techniques de production, l’évolution des savoir-faire et celle des échanges sont autant de questions fondamentales pour comprendre la dynamique des sociétés anciennes et leurs interactions.

EN LIGNE : https://www.arar.mom.fr/presentation/laboratoire-de-ceramologie